Meditations on star juice for entering 2023:


i. Taurus Moon affirmations:

I have all I need and more.

All beings have all they need and more.

Abundance, prosperity and pleasure are my birth right.

Gratitude to the Earth for sustained sweetness.

I am secure, comfortable and I know my worth.


ii. Enter slowly, gently.

Continue to revisit, reassess, reflect, redo.

Continue to release, grieve, purge + readjust value.

Chop wood, carry water.


iii. Expect energy to increase:

Mars Direct 1.12

Mercury Direct 1.18

Uranus Direct 1.22


iv. Prepare to Blossom forward:

New Moon in Aquarius 1.21 +

Uranus Direct 1.22 ~ 

time for massive leaps forward




The ENTIRE first week of January S A N C T U A R Y will be FREE OPEN CALLS


Begin the year with ease, grace, calm, flow.


Join us!  

M W F from 7:30am-8:00am EST + replay

Yogastrology®, meditation, visualization.

Very restorative.

No previous yoga or astrology experience needed.


Come exactly as you are.

Audio only. No screens so you can drop in deep.

To learn more about Sanctuary:


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 865 5534 9448

Passcode: 610321


Still available:For those of you still in HIBERNATION mode:
I’ve been loving our Sanctuary morning practices lately: transcending into stillness and deep rest.

You’ll be guided into restorative ways of being that help you enter fully into Winter Hibernation mode.


Here you can replenish and shore up. 


“Shore up” from wikipedia: "From shore (“to provide with support”) + up. Shore is derived from Late Middle English shoren (“to prop, to support”) …"


Two recorded thirty minute journeys into the deepest, darkest, most nurturing den within.


Breath, visualizations, comfort.


The two practices, totaling 60 minutes, of deep relaxation for $22. Venmo. Paypal.


Blessings on your 2023,


Image: From the collage I made on Summer Solstice 2022.

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