Are you feeling a bit more pep in your step?

Are you taking more bold risks with your communication?

Are you ready to tap into your well of newfound energy for projects you are now ready to launch?

If so, you are feeling Mars now moving forward as of Thursday, January 12.

Mars was retrograde since October 30.

Mars is the first of three planets to move forward this month.

Mercury retrograde ends 1.18.

Uranus retrograde ends 1.22.

Mars out of retrograde and marching forth feels like a breath of fresh air!

The invitation with this pop forward:

* How can you communicate more of who you are, exactly as you are?

* If you had full permission to drop all the masks and reveal your true self, how would you do it? What would it look like?

For a while now, I've been wanting to share a more authentic version of me.

Not me in a YouTube video feeling like I'm at the end of a hallway by myself giving some forecast because that is what my brain tells me as an astrologer I "should" do.

I've been wanting to create a "Dear Diary" type of offering.

So yesterday, on the day Mars moved forward, I changed the format of my daily forecasts to "Dear Diary."

Here is what I birthed:

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Dear Diary,

Just had chili with the child and rain is falling. We lit a candle at dinner. It is kinda cozy. 

Makes me want to curl up with a book and the cat as I did earlier today for a few minutes.

Over dinner the child said she feels like an engine that is sputtering and won’t start.

She dismisses astrology entirely so I keep the thought of “Mars is now direct! Your engine will have an easier time starting very soon” to myself.

She is doing homework next to me as I write this.

She’s had a cold. My Mom did too. I know a lot of people have been having respiratory issues.

I’m glad that Mars moving forward in Gemini means less inflammation and irritation of lungs ie less respiratory issues.

It will be helpful for more ease in the shoulders too.

On another note ..

I’ve decided to morph into a “Dear Diary” format because that is how this feels to me.

Intimate astrology.

How I embody astrology in my everyday life and then invite viewers (aka you) in.

Ok my Sagittarius bell just went off with the voyeurism (yep us Sags tend to be exhibitionists, it is true).

It kinda excites all my Scorpio too .. we all love to know each other’s secrets.

Somewhere on a shelf I have the diary of Laura Palmer.

Any other “Twin Peaks” fans out there? Maybe you do too. 

I’m looking forward to the moon entering Libra tonight at 9:56pm EST.

Tomorrow after Sanctuary I have plans to see one friend in the morning and then one friend in the afternoon. Then dinner with Mom and the child (who is not a child btw she is 15). 

Libra Moons always have me hankering to connect with my people.

Oh and tomorrow is Friday the 13th = )

Ready for new beginnings

This felt like ME! More true to my voice. So FUN to write and share

I look forward to hearing how you choose to work with this sky choreography and what you birth!


PS- I would love to share these now daily "Dear Diary" entries with you. My goal is to have 100 lovely souls to share these with each day. I'm half way there. If you'd like to support me and have the means to contribute $5/month, I'd be super grateful. And a great big thanks to those of you who already do so! Info HERE.

PPS- I'm love love loving doing relationship consults right now. With Valentine's Day around the corner, treat yourself and your sweetheart to the gift of deeper knowledge of how to support each other. For those willing to go there, I've been melding my International School of Temple Arts training with my relationship/sexuality of Evolutionary Astrology training. Conversations around expanding intimacy are juicy! I'm running a Valentine's Day special 

Photo credit: January 2020 at the Botanical Garden in Baltimore by the lovely + inspiring Monarch Movement.
