Celebrations + Slingshots


Celebrations + Slingshots

If you've been feeling like a slow moving blob, emergence is on the way. We've been moving through some sleepy transits, but that is about to shift.

Prepare for 2 slingshots forward:

Jupiter reenters Aries on Tuesday 12.20:
Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth, has been finishing up a 12 year cycle in Pisces ~ beautiful for creativity + all things transcendent. Next week Jupiter blasts back into Aries. Energy rises. Blood is pumping once again. Aries says, "It is time to lead!"

Mars Direct on Thursday 1.12:
Mars, planet of life force and will, has been retrograde since October 30. The invitation during this retrograde is to reexamine how and where we apply our energy. Get ready to GO when this retrograde is complete. Mars does not like to be subdued. So get ready for a happy Mars who is ready to MOVE and GROOVE.

For those of you who like to geek out and want the FULL scoop:

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Sagittarius Szn, France Retreat + Holiday Goodies


Sagittarius Szn, France Retreat + Holiday Goodies

Amazing how quickly energy can shift isn't it? A week ago we were down in dark tunnels lost in a maze feeling uncomfortable with nervous systems challenged.

Scorpio season invited us to confront diminished versions of ourselves. Sagittarius season has us puff back up, claiming our space once again.

This eclipse Scorpio season was particularly intense.

As of last Wednesday night, when the New Moon in Sagittarius arrived with sleigh bells + Jupiter pranced forward, our moods lightened.

Welcome to Sagittarius season:

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In my community here in Charlottesville, Virginia, we are reeling. Three students were shot, two more injured at the University of Virginia in the past 24 hours.

My heart goes out to all the loved ones who are dealing with this tragic and unexpected loss.

My personal take away in this moment is perspective. There is a reorientation to what is truly of value.


I'm including a post I made last week that I shared with my Patrons and on social media about departures as it feels in alignment:

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November aka Pursuit of the Snooze Button


November aka Pursuit of the Snooze Button

The beginning of November I call “the pursuit of the snooze button.” Many of us feel depleted. Like our battery is empty. Some of us may also feel discombobulated, ungrounded and uncomfortable. Potentially even aimless or adrift. 

Mars entered retrograde on October 30 saturating the sky with a downshift in vitality. Mars, the planet that rules our energy, our will, our desire and our s*x drive, is on vacation until January 12, 2023. It is a time to reassess how and where we apply our energy.

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Eclipse Guide


Eclipse Guide

Eclipses arrive every 6 months, mostly in duos, on occasion in a triad.

Eclipses are New Moons + Full Moons on steroids. Ten times more powerful than regular New/Full Moons, their impact doesn't last a month, but rather 6 months or longer.

We enter a gateway into the sacred with pivotal beginnings and pivotal endings.

